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Candiolo Cancer Institute - IRCCS
At the Candiolo Cancer Institute, clinic and research professionals in oncology have experience and expertise attested by more than 1200 articles published in international scientific journals over the past 7 years and over 13000 citations other national and international researchers who have deemed our research worthy of consideration and of high scientific impact
1275 Scientific Publications
Total exams
5119826 Total exams
Clinical staff
530 staff
Research staff
323 Researchers
Clinical Activities
The Institute is a leader in the activities of Hospitalization, Care and Research in the field of Oncological Diseases
Surgical activities
The Institute is at the forefront of minimally invasive and robotic oncology surgery
Medical activities
The Institute's transplant centre, equipped with 4 controlled microclimate chambers, provides a multidisciplinary approach to oncological pathology.
Hi-Tech Health Care
The radiotherapy department is equipped with two tomo therapy devices and a state-of-the-art linear accelerator through which all cancers of adulthood are treated.
Servizio Navetta Stazione Ferroviaria Di Candiolo
Si comunica che dal 12 giugno 2023 sarà operativo un servizio navetta gratuito per dipendenti/collaboratori/ricercatori ed utenti che collegherà la stazione ferroviaria di Candiolo con l'IRCCS in concomitanza di tutte le partenze/arrivi della linea 2 del Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano Piemontese (SFM2) proveniente da Chivasso e Pinerolo.
Tale servizio sarà attivo dalle ore 7.30 AM alle ore 18.20 PM dal lunedì al venerdì:
A) Prima corsa partenza dalla stazione di Candiolo alle ore 7.45 verso IRCCS (in concomitanza dell'arrivo dei treni delle ore 7.38/7.41 provenienti da Chivasso e Pinerolo)
B) Ultima corsa partenza dall'IRCCS alle ore 18.20 verso la stazione di Candiolo (in concomitanza della partenza dei treni delle ore 18.42/18.43 per Chivasso e Pinerolo)
Presso la stazione di Candiolo il punto di stazionamento è posizionato all'interno della stazione area pedonale e presso l'IRCCS di fronte all'ingresso principale.
Per maggior dettaglio si allega l'orario della linea SFM2 attualmente in vigore, scaricabile per gli aggiornamenti anche al link https://www.sfmtorino.it/orari/.
Al seguente link https://www.sfmtorino.it/le-linee-sfm/ è disponibile l'intera mappa dei collegamenti del Servizio Ferroviario Metropolitano relativamente all'intero Piemonte con le interconnesioni delle sette linee ferroviarie che coprono gran parte del territorio regionale.
Si riporta sotto il tragitto della linea SFM2.
The Candiolo Institute as a national and international reference centre for the treatment and research of oncological diseases ensured the total take over from diagnosis to programming of therapies to follow-up strategies.
Multidisciplinary Programs of Diagnosis and Treatment of Oncological Diseases.
Programma di Ricostruzione Mammaria
Il programma di ricostruzione mammaria nasce dalla necessità di ridurre al minimo il trauma psico
Programma di Ricostruzione Mammaria
Il programma di ricostruzione mammaria nasce dalla necessità di ridurre al minimo il trauma psico

Hepatobiliary Pancreatic and Colorectal Surgery Programme
The programme of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic and Colorectal Surgery is dedicated to the diagnosis an
Hepatobiliary Pancreatic and Colorectal Surgery Programme
The programme of Hepatobiliary Pancreatic and Colorectal Surgery is dedicated to the diagnosis an

Robotic surgery programme for abdominal tumours
The Candiolo Institute has become a centre of reference for robotic surgery, through its acquisit
Robotic surgery programme for abdominal tumours
The Candiolo Institute has become a centre of reference for robotic surgery, through its acquisit

Digestive diagnostic and surgical endoscopy programme
The work of the unit for Digestive Diagnostic and Surgical Endoscopy ( EDDI) is characterized by
Digestive diagnostic and surgical endoscopy programme
The work of the unit for Digestive Diagnostic and Surgical Endoscopy ( EDDI) is characterized by

Ovarian Cancer Programme
Ovarian Cancer Programme

Sarcomas and Rare Tumours Programme
The Sarcomas and Rare Tumours Programme is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of
Sarcomas and Rare Tumours Programme
The Sarcomas and Rare Tumours Programme is dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of
Research Activities
Capitalizing on this wealth of information, Traslational and Clinical Research are now revolutionizing the way we diagnose and treat cancer and offers unprecedented opportunities to improve the outlook of cancer patients on a rational basis.